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This article is a HOW-TO to show you how you can mod your psp to fade the leds using Sickmods latest fader. This Mod was first attempted by Fufa over at acidmods but he used an older version of the fader. He used the deluxe.

All or most of the stuff i bought was at Sickmods

To start off you need the following things: the * is optional but Recommended

2x o603 smd or 2x 3mm LED but you must cut them and sand them - i chose blue but you can get any color
1 47ohm resistor- click here to calculate your resistor
1 Sickmods fader
30 Awg Kynar wire- different colors will help
25 watt soldering iron
.22 rosin core solder
rosin solder flux- makes soldering so much easier
Exacto Knife or a switch blade
*Magnifying glass
*electrical tape- I used liquid electric tape
Drill machine
Hot glue gun
*masking tape
Small phillips screw driver- buy one of those $1 precision sets.

^Time and being patient is the key here^

*I am assuming you already have the knowledge to take apart your psp as i will not cover it.

Pictures say a thousand words. Look at it.

A recommendation is that you twist your wires together like this:

and like this

now that you are done with all that bore two holds in the trigger R & and L.

Now wire up your leds and resistor.

Ah the placement:

Just tape it all up but neatly and put as far right as you can under the wifi board like this:

and your result:

How to change modes on the Fader

I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free email me or message me anytime. I will Update this and post a video.

Special thanks to:

Acidmods.com Community
Sickmods.net - Sick dimension- he guided me through every step
Bermdogtypes- my buddy at radio shack for huge discounts.

Also check me out on Youtube

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