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My New Toy- Novint Falcon

So back in February I had bought a new toy from Compusa when i heard it was officially going out of business. So sad :(. Anyways I picked up a Gagdet by Novint Technologies, Inc.

The Limited Edition #1067 of 5000 Novint Falcon

It is a force feed Back controller a.k.a Haptics Technology, designed to give the end user full control over the game the choose to play. So far the only games that i have seen compatible with this after applying the mod package from their website are Half-life 2 and Quake 4 Multilayer. Novint Has their own version of half-life 2 called Haptics 2.

They also have games avaible through their game engine called the Nvent. This controller allows you to feel and touch objects as if they were real. Its like bionics. robotic yet a human touch. The FALCON supported by a round base and has 3 mechanical arms.

The minuted i came home. I assemble the unit meaning I installed teh software, Plugged in 2 cables- usb and power- and was ready to go.

Here is a video of my new toy and soon ill be posting a new video of an official review.

Right I'm in the process of modding my Xbox 360 meaning painting my case, lighting it up, adding a window, etc.

Laters.............. :)

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