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Genuine Techs-Wreck---shattered picture frame

I was finally done with my digital picture and went to make one final adjustment and the thing just slipped out of my hands. Shattered the glass into pieces and the frames just snapped into four different pieces. The glued very lighted, looked elmers glue and not wood, and the the four corners were stapled together. Where are they now? Well i guess you can say, "THE GARBAGE" :)

No wonder the Ribbas i bought were on clearance.

Anyways as mad as I am, I cant help but think what would've happened if I would have hung the frame and then it would have fell. Too many woulds for to handle. Well tell me about it. Anyhow, when finished it, it looked like this:

Holes for power switch and power socket:

I will attempt this project one for time but with a custom or look for a shadow box

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